Monday 20 January 2014

Floor Pan Fixes

There were a few spots on the bottom of the Floorpan that needed fixing - the rear section of the centre tunnel was crushed and a corner of it was rusted through.

I also decided to replace the seat-mount reinforcements on both sides. They weren't rusty but were pretty beaten up. So off they came..

This is the 'Short Rear Floorpan' section from Restoration Design. I'm only going to be using small sections from it...

So I cut out and cleaned up the rusted floor corner..

 ..and fitted and welded in the new section.

I did the same for the centre tunnel..

..and welded in the section from the new RD FloorPan.

I ground off the tops of the weld. It doesn't need to be beautiful as ultimately it'll have heavily textured undercoat on it.

This is the new RD Seat Reinforcement strips welded in (on both sides).

Once the repairs were done, I did a bit more cleaning up and lightly sanded the first primer coat so the next layer could key to it.

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