Thursday 28 March 2013

Passenger Chassis Longitudinal Repair - Part 1

Here's the first bit of repair to the Jack Stand area - just cutting out bad metal at this stage. I took a pic of the inside of the Long to get an idea of the condition. I was pleasantly surprised, they don't look too bad.

It's important to repair all rust to the main Long as this is a critical part of the car's strength. Rusty sections really compromise the car's stiffness, handling and safety basically...

So here's 'before' cutting out the Jack Post completely..

...and here's 'after'!

And some shots inside the Long itself to get an idea of the overall condition..pretty good, just alot of surface rust; but no obvious structural problems.

Car Body off the floor on Jack Stands

Got the car completely off the floor on wooden 2 by 4s...basically I need to support the car body before I start hacking into the Longitudinal Chassis's a quick pic!

Rear Gearbox Mount - Clean Up...

I stripped the paint and sealant from the rear cross member where the gearbox is mounted..lots of wire-brush action with the angle grinder. You have to hang on to the angle grinder when it catches on an edge and tries to bite you! Did it bit by bit so I didn't go's one end cleaned up.

Once the whole thing was stripped, I epoxy primed it, then seam sealed it fully and then painted on another layer of Epoxy Primer (this stuff is bomb proof!).

Here's the finished job...need to treat the inside of it with cavity wax but I have some welding to do first and don't want to set fire to it!