Here's where the 4-cyl mount was - now chopped off and replaced with a fresh bit of steel. I've seen 914 conversions with bits of the original mount still hanging on but I think it's worth making it tidy and I'm sure the mount gave some extra integrity to the chassis so I decided to plate over where it used to be.
When I was cleaning-up the Firewall I chopped off one of the Relay Board mounting arms for better access (yes, fascinating!) so I had to weld it back on. I mocked up a dummy of the relay board using thin plywood just to make sure the position and spacing was spot on.
I had to do a bit of fabricating to the mount as I'd cut it short. You can also see the large hole for the 6-cyl Oil Tank being cut; this is where the oil filter goes. I used HSS hole-saws..surprise surprise…they great for cutting holes!
Here's the hole in the shelf…50mm diameter.
Here's an overview of the whole area being cleaned up. The holes are 73mm, 50mm, 100mm and I need to add another hole below the large one when I install the Tank.
All neatly epoxy primed.
I also took the opportunity to put down another coat of epoxy in the rear trunk while I was at it!
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